5 Reasons to Have Your Child Take Music Lessons
If there is one thing that I regret from my childhood, it is that I never took any real music lessons. I can’t play a musical instrument to save my life. I am even horrible on the kazoo. I know that may sound crazy that this would be my one regret, but I survived everything else.
I am such a music lover as an adult, I would love to be able to sit down at the piano and play some songs. Or even back in my single days, being able to pull out a guitar and start jamming away on a few tunes could have probably provided me with some extra dates. But being in a family of eleven with poor finances meant that music lessons were a luxury that we just didn’t have. Hopefully, you are not in the same boat now. If you are on the fence about signing your child up for music lessons, maybe these five reasons below will change your mind!
1. Teaches Self-Discipline
Children are often placed in martial arts classes to learn more discipline. There is no doubt that this works, but putting the kid in music lessons will also teach discipline as well. They have to plan their day to include practicing their instrument, and this is something that they need to be responsible for on their own.
2. It Is Fun!
While learning to play an instrument in the beginning can be a bit overwhelming, the better you get, the more fun you will have. Soon your child will be able to amaze your extended family at gatherings. They will join the school band and become friends with like-minded individuals. Choosing to learn to play music will open up a whole new world for them.
3. Another Mentor
It is extremely important to provide your child with several mentors during their lifetime. Parents cannot do it all, unfortunately. I know my mother and father were not only too busy to share knowledge with me, but also just did not know everything. Giving them another adult to look up to in their life is just as valuable as them learning how to play an instrument. Choose your music teacher wisely, for they will not just be imparting their wisdom about music to your child, but about life in general.
4. Improves Brain Functioning
Science has shown many benefits for the brain when children are learning to play music. They gain a neurophysiological distinction which helps them with certain sounds that assist with literacy and can improve academic results. This is something that they cannot gain just by listening to music, they have to be actively engaged in the music.
In fact, many university studies proclaim that children who take music lessons do better in school that those who do not. According to a 2009 study, playing a musical instrument definitely makes you smarter. The study says that regularly playing an instrument changes the shape and power of the brain and may actually be used in therapy to improve cognitive skills. It can even increase IQ by seven points in both children and adults.
5. Inspires Creativity
Some of the most creative people in history have been musicians. Not only do they compose the music, but many of them also come up with the lyrics. This is not something that is easy to do. Soon your child will be going from just playing other people’s music to writing their own scores. But it does not stop their. Their adaptive thought process will carry over into other areas of their lives that will allow for even more creativity outside of music.
Interested in music lessons? Contact us today to learn more about how our music instructors can help your child!