5 Easy Ways to Teach Science in the Elementary Classroom
Science has always been a difficult subject to teach in elementary school. If time is running out of the school day, the very first subject teachers will usually skip is Science. It also seems to be one of the least liked subjects for young students as well. It truly is a pity, though, because if we present it in the right way, Science will come alive for them and become one of their favorites.
Below are five easy ways to teach Science in an elementary classroom that will have you excited about presenting your lessons to the students. The kids will love it, too, since the dreaded ten-year-old Science textbook will not be needed as much.
Too many teachers rely on the textbook and teach straight out of it. Instead, it should be used as supplementary material for the students. Start working these ways into your teaching as soon as possible!
Mystery Science
Mystery Science is an online ready-to-go Science curriculum for your K-5 students. The lessons, worksheets, and tests have already been prepared along with eye catching videos and experiments that will have your students looking forward to Science every day. Plus, if you act quickly, you can sign up for a free year membership.
Include STEAM Projects
For those of you that have never heard of this term, STEAM is an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math. Projects and lessons are created by the teacher to incorporate all of these subjects through guided student inquiry, dialogue, and critical thinking. This also prepares the students better for a 21st-century education. If you are a fan of Pinterest, they have many great ideas for lessons.
Inquiry-Based Science Lessons
Inquiry-based science begins with a lesson starting question that will get the students wondering and asking questions. Students will then have the opportunity to explore possible solutions, develop explanations through investigation, and speak on concepts and processes that make them come to their final conclusion in trying their best to answer the question.
Incorporate Videos
Elementary students have mostly short attention spans, especially in this day and age where technology is at their fingertips at all time. If teaching straight out of a Science textbook, you will lose them in no time. Incorporate videos into your lessons as much as possible. Short little five minute videos on the topics you are teaching them will help them understand better. Everybody learns differently, and seeing videos covering Science topics will provide the students more knowledge than just reading about it alone.
Ask for Science Topics They Would Like to Learn
When students have a say in what they are learning, they become much more interested in it. I would often write ten Science topics on the board and have students write on a piece of paper which topic they want to cover next. The students’ answers were all anonymous, so there could be no hard feelings when the topic is decided. We would always have a great discussion to start the lesson off with since they were so intrigued by the topic.
Photo credit: Nick Youngson /Alpha Stock Images
Written by Ryan Crawley
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