Experience Great Results by Setting Routines in Place at Home for Your Child
As an educator, I can speak firsthand the difficulties of students had that didn’t have consistent schedules at home. They often would not get their homework completed, get enough sleep, or even have breakfast in the morning. They were behind the eight-ball from the get-go as they didn’t have a solid routine at home, affecting their school performance.
As a toddler parent, I can sympathize with parents who have trouble getting their children into a set routine. Kids can often rebel against set routines, but they must have them. It is for the best, and it produces tremendous results.
Students with Routines Perform Better in Both Academics and Behavior
Both in school and at home, routines allow kids to accomplish tasks quickly. There is no need for explanation or struggle. They know what is expected of them, and whether they realize it or not, they crave order instead of constant chaos. The most organized of teachers already know that routines and schedules produce excellent results in the classroom.
Parents that seem to be struggling with their children could learn a little from how a teacher operates their classroom. After all, a teacher has 30 kids to keep in line. There is an excellent chance you have many fewer in your household. It would be best if you got a schedule in place.
For instance, after a school day ends, this might be a good routine for your child to follow.
- Kids come home and complete their homework first thing as they have a snack
- Once a parent has checked over the homework, they can go out and play
- When it begins to get dark, kids come inside and have dinner
- After dinner, they shower and get ready for bed
- Finally, after a little tv and a little reading, they fall to sleep
As you can see, it is like clockwork. There is no need for arguments or disruptions. They know what their schedule is, and they follow it (for the most part).
Once a child starts to get good at following routines, they can even take it a step further by creating To-Do lists of projects they want to tackle when they have the time.
Struggling Students have Problems with Their Routines.
Students who earn less than desirable grades are performing this way, more than likely, because their current routine is failing them.
- Maybe they don’t spend enough time on their school work at home?
- Perhaps they don’t have anyone at home to help them?
- Are they giving the school a second thought once they arrive home?
These are fixable items and indicate they are plenty smart enough, but they are having issues with the process.
Turn to the Professionals
If you are having difficulty establishing routines, let iAchieve be of assistance. We have professional tutors and academic coaches who can create set patterns with the child and the parents. By establishing habits, you are placing your child in the best position to succeed academically now and in the future.