In the Age of COVID: Creating New Classroom Rules for the Upcoming School Year
Even though the COVID vaccine is proving to be successful, it does not remove the fear or hesitation parents and students will have when school begins back up in the fall. Changes have to be made in the classroom and in the school, in general, to ensure that students and teachers have the best chance to remain healthy throughout the school year and at the same time appease the harshest critics.
These new classroom rules are not too demanding and should be accomplished without too much difficulty. Providing everyone peace of mind is the final goal, so by being proactive, there will be less fallout down the road.
When to Wear a Face Mask
Face masks are generally not required now if the vaccine has been administered. Even though maybe not all children will have received the COVID vaccine by the time school begins, face masks should be optional in the classroom. However, with that said, if a student has a cold, they should be required to wear a face mask. This is done in other countries quite successfully to limit the spread of a virus or disease. Face masks will be much more prevalent in this country from here on out as people feel value in wearing one.
Is Sharing a Thing of the Past?
It was always preached in the classrooms that we should share with our fellow students if they need access to something that they don’t have. It was the polite thing to do. This needs to be addressed in every classroom globally as the threat of sickness must be taken seriously. Perhaps sharing can still take place, but the need to disinfect the item afterward is vital. We all want the last thing for a student to get sick and the finger-pointing to begin just because they were friendly and shared with a friend.
Limit High Fives and Handshaking
Most germs seem to get spread through the air, but it is quite possible to pick up germs from touching as well. Because of this, it is essential to limit handshakes and high fives in the classroom. Even in society nowadays, there are not many people that are open to shaking hands any longer. As a classroom, come up with a safer way to greet one another or show approval.
Disinfect Frequently
Rather than leave everything for the maintenance people to do, students should disinfect their desks and supplies at the end of every day. Furthermore, having a bottle of hand sanitizer on everyone’s desk would probably be a good idea as well.
Present Lessons Outdoors
While the classroom can be like a petri dish where germs are easily spread, the outdoors is much safer. The sunshine and the openness of the outdoors will limit the chances of passing along germs and should give the students a good break from the classroom now and then. Instead of having the students read at their desks, simply have them read outdoors in quiet little areas around the school.
Physical Distance When Possible
Previously, students would be grouped together in the classroom with barely a foot in between each other. And while there is a limitation on how far students can be distanced from one another, perhaps with a bit of creativity, there can be a possible solution. However, it is difficult when there are 30 students, and the space they occupy is by no means ample.
These Changes Do Not Need to Be in Place Forever
Keep in mind, some of these changes maybe just for the next year or two. As the COVID scare dies down and the numbers improve, there will be less of a need to treat the classroom like a hospital surgical room with everything sterilized. However, in the meantime, think about maintaining safety in the school to keep parents and students happy.
Help Students Who Struggle with Organization and Change
Students that have difficulty being organized may struggle to adapt to these new classroom rules. It could take a bit of time and some coaching before they catch on to how things need to be for the near future. Luckily, iAcheve offers academic coaching, and we will assist students on how to self-regulate and manage their organizational skills much better. By remembering the little details on how to stay healthy and safe, they can focus on improving their grades, spending time with friends, and living life once again.
Using Authentic Real World Lessons in the Classroom When Teaching Children