New Majors and Areas of Study for Future College Students
The world has changed dramatically over the last couple of decades. Colleges are starting to promote these changes by adding various new majors and areas of study to their curriculum.
If you are a prospective future college student, you can still pursue the ordinary majors that have been around forever, such as education, business, accounting, marketing, and communication. But others may spark your interest now as society continues to change.
Social Media
A degree in social media is a real thing nowadays. And companies are willing to spend good money finding the right person to promote their business and what they can offer on social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram.
Plus, you can take your social media degree in different areas of business. For instance, you may want to lead a content management team, develop social media marketing strategies, or focus on relationship management between the public and the company.
Game Design
Everyone knows that Hollywood and its movies make billions of dollars every year entertaining the public. However, you may not realize that gaming is more than a $100 billion business annually in the United States alone. Wouldn’t it be sweet to turn your love of video games into a career?
A few decades ago, we were amazed by simple games such as Pac-Man and Donkey Kong. Over the last few years, video games have appeared like major motion pictures combining unique technology, videography, and storytelling. Plus, having the ability to play these games with other people on the other side of the world if they wanted adds a new dimension to the days of Frogger.
Now you can earn degrees that will allow you to be a game designer, developer, programmer, and writer. With 155 million Americans playing video games almost daily, this could be a promising major to look into. The sky is the limit.
While robotics is not precisely new an area of study, it is developing to branch out into numerous sectors more so than ever before. A robotics engineering major could lead to developing a robot framework, creating an operating system, or testing it out in the field in areas of transportation, military, or medical.
Nanotechnology has emerged into the public more in the last decade, especially as it is being mentioned more in films and other entertainment avenues. While it used to seem more like science fiction, nanotech involves manipulating matter at molecular and atomic levels. To put it simply, it is a very tiny technology.
Students interested in majoring in nanotech may enter into fields like biotechnology, electronics, aerospace engineering, and national security. It won’t be long before these inventions created through nanotechnology start performing more surgeries in the medical field and even detect possible health problems such as cancer inside the body in the molecular field.
Tutoring Available to Help You Achieve Your Dream College Major
A strong ACT or SAT score could lead to you having your choice of majors in the near future. Let iAchieve help you with this. We offer plenty of options for test prep that will assist you in earning a solid score on either standardized test.
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How to Pick a College Major (And Why It’s OK to be Undeclared)
Tag:careers, college, college planning, learning, testprep