4 Ways Parents Can Combat Summer Learning Loss with Their Children
Summer break is just around the corner. It won’t be long before the kids are home all day, and they will no longer have to wake up early to head off to school. It will be a much-needed break for most children. However, having ten weeks off from school does have its consequences.
Summer learning loss is a real thing. It happens when children must actively learn the subjects and topics they cover in school. By the time they head back to the classroom in the fall, some of what they learned previously in the school year before has vanished. This frequently happens when math facts and equations are forgotten, and reading skills for younger students regress.
But it doesn’t have to be that way.
Here are four key strategies for stopping summer learning loss and enabling the children to return to school in the fall with more knowledge than when they left.
Learning Apps
No matter the child’s age, thousands of learning apps available could help them immensely in every subject they study in school. In fact, according to the data, more than half a million educational apps are available, with many of them being entirely free to use. A few simple searches online will yield plenty of apps that could have your child continuing their learning all through the summer months.
Find a Professional Tutor
Every student has a subject or two that they struggle with. The degree to which they work with those subjects varies, but during the summer, a child can take this opportunity to catch up on them so they are in better shape when the school year begins.
Rather than employ the local high school student to tutor the child just because they live close by down the street, through the internet, it is now easy to find a professional tutor that will provide outstanding results. Through conference and video apps, remote learning will allow your child to get tutored without ever leaving the house. In fact, iAchieve has numerous professional tutors you can choose from to help turn your child’s weaknesses into strengths. By the time the school year begins once again, the child’s confidence will be at an all-time high as they eagerly want to show the teachers what they have learned in the last few months.
Summer Courses
Many schools offer summer courses for their students. Before the school year ends in the next couple of weeks, ask around and find which courses are being offered. If, by chance, your school does not provide this service to its students, you are still in luck. In every community, there are other learning programs students can partake in. Furthermore, local junior colleges often have a slew of courses for children to take.
Read, Read, and Read Some More
As a certified Reading Specialist, I sometimes see children regress in their reading skills simply because they are not actively reading enough daily. A simple research-based strategy to improve literacy skills is to have your child read more often. The summer is the perfect time to do this! Take the child to the library once a week and have them pick out three books they would like to read. No matter the child’s age, this strategy will counteract summer learning loss regarding reading.
Wave Goodbye to Summer Learning Loss
These four ways to stop summer learning loss are easy to implement. Parents should incorporate these four strategies into the child’s daily summer life. After all, if they don’t, there is a good chance the child will watch tv, play video games, and text with their friends all summer long instead. By attacking the learning loss issue now, parents are being proactive instead of reactive and fixing the problem before it begins.
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