Tips on Increasing the Memory of Your Students
Some individual students can review something once and recall it weeks later without any assistance. On the other hand, plenty of students need to find specific strategies that could work for them. Just because a student is currently struggling does not mean they can’t turn it around by investing some time in these memory increasing tips.
Keep Organized
An unorganized person usually has their thoughts going around in circles as well. If a student can become more organized and thoughtful, there is a perfect chance their memory skills will improve, too.
There are plenty of note-taking apps and alarm reminder apps available that can help students keep on track with what they are supposed to be doing at that moment. An organized mind can allow the brain to focus on other things like recalling certain information better rather than straying from topic to topic.
If a student needs help becoming more organized, iAchieve has plenty of professional tutors to assist with this. We have the experience required to get even the most disorganized students back on track.
Repetition Is Key
There is no secret here. If you want to remember something better, repetition is the strategy that will work. It just takes some time and patience.
Ed Cooke, a Grand Master of Memory that has competed and won numerous memory competitions, imparted some wisdom for strengthening memory. A little tip, he fully believes in repetition both in and out of the academic setting.
“You’ve got to recall the memory 30 times actively,” he said. To try this out yourself, if you have trouble remembering the names of the people you have just met, the next time you are introduced to someone new, repeat their name 30 times and see if it helps. I am horrible at remembering the names of people I have just met, which seemed to work well for me.
Increase Background Knowledge
Sometimes students struggle to remember things because they don’t have the proper background knowledge or life experience needed with the topic at hand. For example, if students are learning about financial literacy, they might recall the information better if they have to manage their budget. To take it even further, they could speak with their parents about credit cards, loans, mortgage payments, and things of that nature so they can identify financial literacy with more of a real-life authentic approach from their own family.
Use Mnemonics
Mnemonic is a strategy for recalling information by using encoding, visualization, and retrieval cues. It is often associating a word with the topic and then having each letter in the story represent something important about that subject. For instance, a very popular mnemonic for remembering essential amino acids is “Pvt. Tim Hall”. The letters stand for Phenylalanine, Valine, Threonine, Tryptophan, Isoleucine, Methionine, Histidine, Arginine, Leucine, and Lysine.
Get Plenty of Sleep
The tired students always seem to have trouble recalling information the most. And if you think about it, adults have the same problem. If we don’t get enough sleep every night, our memory does not work as well. If students are coming into the classroom exhausted continuously, their cognitive skills are going to suffer. Remind them to get plenty of sleep each night. If needed, call their parents and pass on this recommendation as well. Of course, they may not pay any attention to you, but there is always a chance.
7 Tips for Increasing Student Memory