School Districts Without Borders? Possible with Remote Learning
The COVID virus turned the whole world on its head. People could no longer leave the house in some areas, and working from home was a luxury that more of us would have liked to partake in.
In the world of education, COVID meant a crash course in remote learning for thousands of teachers and administrators across the country. Communicating with students through email, chat boards, video conferencing, Google Docs, and various other creative hi-tech ways were the only options to educate the masses through these difficult times still.
But through all the gloom, perhaps another way has emerged to further the norm in education. If pursued, parents, students, teachers, and administrators could no longer be tied down to district borders. There is a real possibility to broaden education through remote learning if we choose to follow this path.
Learn from the Best
Wouldn’t it be nice to learn foreign languages from people who live in that specific region? Or study under mathematicians that are considered geniuses in their field? How about developing relationships with authors that know the intricate details of writing a novel or even just writing for a living?
These courses could be for elementary, high school, or college students with a little tweaking of the curriculum here and there. Fully accredited online school districts for every grade level should be emerging sooner rather than later. No longer tied down to location, these online schools could hire the best educators to find and supply their students with an elite education.
In some aspects, this is being done already. For example, iAchieve offers online tutoring for students regardless of which part of the country they are currently living in. Can it be too long before a student can receive their entire education through remote learning without ever having set a foot inside a classroom?
Not All Students Will Be Able to Manage
With all of this said, remote learning is not for all students and parents while looking at the future. A quick visit to social media will yield parents that are unhappy about remote learning for one reason or another. Still, there is a good percentage of students and parents that would probably be willing to undertake such an experience.
There May Be a Time in the Future When Strict Quarantining Returns
More and more parents are turning to homeschool for one reason or another. A recent national poll determined that about 40 percent of parents were considering homeschooling their children even after the COVID virus has become just a memory. Would they instead enroll their children into a completely virtual school?
Sure, school districts offer a couple of courses here and there online, but only to those who live in the community. An utterly virtual school where there is not even a brick and mortar building involved could soon be the norm for many.
It will be interesting to see just how this pandemic has affected the world of education from here on out. Perhaps it will act as a springboard for considering more options for educating students at all levels from here on out.
Great Educational Apps to Use with Remote Learning
Strategies to Make Remote Learning Easier to Manage for Students