Awesome Apps that Encourage Creativity in Kids
The arts and music are ways in which kids can find an outlet to release their creative talents. Technology has provided everyone with a multitude of avenues in order to explore artistic abilities. Everyday, developers are coming out with more and more unique apps! Below is a list of various types of art and music apps available for kids ranging in ages from 3-18.
Preschool and Kindergarten
Toca Band – This is a free app in which kids can experiment with different ways to set up their own band. There are 16 characters that they can pick from that have their own unique sounds and moves. This is a great stress free app where kids can create their own musical sounds to see what intrigues them the most. What an amazing way to get very young children interested and involved in music.
Sago Mini Doodlecast – This app contains 30 drawing prompts that encourage kids to be artistic by asking questions. When kids start drawing, the app records the drawing based on their voices, sounds, and even if they laugh! Children can be original through art and through the way they speak. Sago Mini Doodle is wonderful for younger children as well as children with disabilities.
Elementary School
Faces iMake – Who doesn’t like to play with their food? This app is great for students of all ages. It will provide endless hours of fun in which kids can make faces with fruits, vegetables, and other random objects. The possibilities are endless!
Fingertip Maestro – This app provides children a way to learn multiple instruments and their sounds without having any previous knowledge. It’s fun for kids because it includes colorful bars that you tap and slide in order to create the music. Small children up to adults can use this app.
Middle School
Yousician Guitar – Learn to play the guitar by using this great app! It’s an app used for any age but especially for beginners. There are thousands of different exercises, songs to play along with, and other tutorials. This app covers all of the essentials of learning the guitar such as theory, chords, strumming patterns, reading, and a lot more.
Doodle Buddy – Kids can create pictures using finger paint on the app in a variety of different colors. It also provides stencils and stamps that make funny sounds! Kids are able to use all shapes and even save pictures as they draw and create. Highly recommended.
High School
iReal Pro – This is a wonderful app for students that are involved in jazz music. It allows you to play along with a virtual band and improvise to create different types of chord progressions. There are also various types of music to play along with such as ballads, swing, latin, bluegrass, reggae, soul and more!
Sktchy – On Sktchy, people can upload portraits and share them so that other artists can draw their own image of the picture. You can be as simple as you want with your drawing or make it more complicated and abstract. Then, you submit your drawing so that anybody else can view both the original picture with the one that you created.