As an educator for 20 years, I have worked with students of all ages and for almost every subject possible. Through the years, I have helped struggling students that never thought they could achieve good grades become some of the …
Have you considered trying for such a solid score on your ACT or SAT that, in turn, you may be able to receive a scholarship to your college of choice? Well… now is the time. The average scores …
A million years ago, when I was a high school senior, I took the ACT standardized exam and scored a 21. My guidance counselor then told me this was a good score because he said a score of 18 was …
For seniors just starting their final year in high school, it is not all about just coasting until graduation. There needs to be a game plan in place to ensure you are completing everything that needs to be done before …
Although there are some places of higher learning that are not requiring prospective students to take either the ACT or SAT, don’t be so quick to forgo either standardized test. According to the Wall Street Journal, 1.7 million high school …
Out of all the components that could affect a student’s chance of getting accepted into the college of their choice, their ACT/SAT score is pretty high on the list. A poor standardized test score could make the college admission board …
Some students will confess that they just aren’t good test-takers. They say the anxiety and stress will get to them, and as a result, they will perform poorly on exams. I say that sounds like a built-in excuse for …
It is quite simple. If you have a high-grade point average (GPA), you will usually be ranked near the top of your high school class, and getting into college will be much easier. Any money you can save on …
Colleges often use either the ACT or SAT score of a prospective student to help determine if the person will be successful in higher education. These schools will take these scores from the standardized exams and figure out if the …
As adults, if we are not musically inclined, we always pine away at the thought of learning how to play an instrument and make music at the drop of a hat. I have tried to learn a few instruments myself …