Perfect Possible Tutoring Options for the Upcoming School Year
With the upcoming school year currently a COVID question mark for many school districts across the country, administrators are thinking and rethinking the possibilities of educating them these next nine months.
In my region, it is almost changing weekly. Two weeks ago, all the students were going to be physically in the classroom. A week ago, it switched over to giving parents the option of remote learning for their children. Now, it appears all students will start the year solely doing remote learning as the number of COVID cases is currently on the rise in our area.
Tutoring Needs Are on the Rise
During the first round of remote learning, most parents were quickly learning that they could use a hand in educating their kids and keeping them on task. While communicating through video conferencing and email with the child’s teacher was helpful, it doesn’t usually fill in all the gaps when children struggle with a specific subject or topic.
Parents now realize that a good tutor is worth their weight in gold, especially during this pandemic. The problem is finding one that is suitable for their child.
Not all tutors are created equal. There may be a kid up the street who has earned all excellent grades in every subject, but that doesn’t mean they will be able to transfer their knowledge over to another student. Plus, do you want to risk your child’s education and place it in another kid’s hands?
All Tutoring Completed Through Video Conferencing
As said up above, the number of COVID cases are on the rise. Whether this is because more people are getting tested or the disease is spreading is up for debate. In any case, most of us want to avoid unnecessarily going out of the house at the moment.
With that said, this means that it would be in the best interest of all that tutoring be completed entirely through video conferencing. Why risk anyone’s health by having your child tutored any other way?
Any Relatives You Can Ask for Help?
It seems that every relative has their subject of expertise. Your engineer, brother-in-law, is probably good at math. Your blogging cousin might be able to tutor your kid in writing. And perhaps your aunt, who lived in Mexico for a year, could help your child catch up with their Spanish. However, if you are like my relatives, while they mean well, they don’t always follow through on things. They may have the best intention of tutoring your student through video conferencing, but since they are doing a favor, they may postpone at the last minute without feeling too bad.
Turn to the Experts
We here at iAchieve do not just provide expert online video conferencing tutoring in every subject and grade level here in the Chicago area, but we are expanding our services. We can now offer tutoring to anyone around the world. By using online video conferencing, we are not limited by region any longer. Plus, our professional tutors are above and beyond what you may find elsewhere.
Furthermore, don’t forget the arts, either! If you are interested in having your child further their love of music, we can provide tutoring and lessons on virtually any instrument all through online video conferencing. Just because students are being asked to limit their extracurriculars at the moment does not mean they have to miss out entirely!
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